Finding ways to save on car insurance can be crucial, considering how high car insurance rates currently are in many states. According to Bankrate, auto insurance rates are 26% more …
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Finding ways to save on car insurance can be crucial, considering how high car insurance rates currently are in many states. According to Bankrate, auto insurance rates are 26% more …
Believe it or not, plenty of jobs for older people are available. And yes, you can work after retirement—for all kinds of good reasons. For example, maybe you want to …
Each day in the U.S., 10,000 individuals turn 65, and the number who cross that threshold will exceed 88 million, or about 20% of the U.S. population, by 2050, AARP …
Terms like ‘active’ and ‘successful’ are increasingly used to describe aging, especially with Baby Boomers refusing to ride off into the proverbial sunset in a wheelchair like their parents did. …
States are making tepid progress helping millions of elderly and disabled people on Medicaid avoid costly nursing home care by arranging home or community services for them instead, according to …
We’ve pulled together a bumper list of positive and practical activities to enjoy at home over the coming months. We know that winter can be a time in which older …
You’ve probably spent at least a little time thinking about what to do in retirement. How will you fill your days? Where will you go? What will you do? With …
There are some things you should generally avoid giving as gifts. Buying a friend or family member something for their home is somewhat of a risk, but if you choose wisely, the …
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